-25.592981 , 28.076119
Those are the coordinates you need to type into Google Maps to see the location of where our thriving petrol station and convenience store will be located. The picture below shows what you should see when you zoom in to that area. I’ve placed the green arrow at the approximate location of where the business will be. I know that some of you reading this know many details about the business side of why we are here, and some of you don’t, so I (Darin) thought I’d bring everyone up to speed. We will be 50% owners in a Viva brand gas station and convenience store that should start construction soon and should be operational in October or November of this year. Our partner is a South African developer who owns all of the open land to the south and west of where our business will be. Eventually, there will be around 3,000 houses, a shopping mall, a large grocery store, a school and possibly more built in this development. Our gas station will be...