Lots of little successes, and a few failures

Today was another busy day. We spent some time around the house this morning and I managed to get 4 suitcases totally unpacked! That is success #1. While I was unpacking, Darin was across the street working on some internet stuff. My dear husband managed to download a program where we can read and write our emails while off line, which is a huge deal for us as we do not have internet and may not have it for a while. Success #2 is yours Darin. Now you just need to figure out how I can blog off line and read from my lovely Google Reader while off line. I am suffering from blog deprivation right now!

We headed to Pretoria North around lunch time. Shortly after arriving, we experienced our Failure #1 at the bank. In order to open a bank account, you must have proof of residence, which we will probably not be able to acquire while we are at this house. This leads to failure #2, no smart phone until we have 3 months of bank statements. Boo.

Success #3 and #4 took place at Kolonade mall. First Darin got my cell phone (pay as you go) set up and next he bought me a hair dryer. These two successes and the failure at the bank took place while the kids and I sat in our hot little car in 2 different parking lots. I was able to read all the emails I’ve missed over the past few days (see success #2) and the kids were able to play around on the iPods, which I am guessing they would see as a success as well.
Next we headed pack to Pick N Pay for groceries. Last night we went through 3 cookbooks and made a big grocery list and were determined to come home with everything we’d need to make a week’s worth of meals. Our little Jori was in quite the mood, and trying to wrangle with her felt like failure #3. STRESS!


Lia Leenstra said…
There has got to be a way around the bank account thing - Why were we able to? We were only renting? hmm - anyway - I love hearing about all the places you have been - I can SO visualize everything and it makes me miss SA so much - LOVE pick n Pay!! Love the high powered blow dryers!! Love the animals! So exciting! I am glad everything is going well and keep up with the emails and blogging - I LOVE IT!!

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