Tyson's Speech on South Africa
This week, Tyson's class started a unit on South Africa. His teacher, Mrs. G., put together activities for the kids to do, like coloring the map of South Africa, decorating a traditional mask, and putting together a book of interesting facts about the country. She also checked out a variety of books on South Africa and has been reading them to the class. They'll be continuing to learn more about South Africa through next week. This has been SUCH a great thing for Tyson. He's been coming home from school telling us facts about South Africa and just seems more excited about going. On Monday, Tyson was able to share about his experience in South Africa back when he was a wee lad of 4. I stopped by so that I could hear what he said and answer any additional questions. He LOVED being in the spotlight. Loved it. It did my heart good to see him in the classroom beaming. Handing out pictures Here are the pictures that Tyson chose to share with his class: Feeding the e...