My girl

I love having a little girl. It's true. I really do. When we first found out we were having a girl, I almost cried, and they were not happy tears. Our kids due dates were a day apart (they both ended up being early and their birthdays are two days apart) and we were pretty much living in boy world with Tyson (trucks, motorcycles, diggers, oh my!) and I had so many clothes and the sizes and seasons would have been a perfect match! Yet God saw fit to give us a girl and we have been blessed by our little bubba. So blessed.
Now that she's all done with preschool, Jori spends her day saying things that I find funny, which I then write down so I can tell Darin about them later. My recent faves:

  • Referring to the movie "Rio" as "Mango". I don't know why, but this cracks me up. 
  • The other day in the van, she said "Mom, I have two talents. One is flying (seriously, she believes she can fly, so if she ever gives you a demo, don't burst her bubble) and the other is bloobing." I asked her what "bloobing" was and she said "It's when I go 'bloob, bloob, bloob. bloob." We are raising a superstar!
  • Darin noticed that Jori had a little zit on her chin and he wanted to take a closer look at it. She said "Don't pimple my pimple!"
  •  She loves to say things like "I have an idea that's greater than great" or "I know this will be so awesome mom"
  • and finally today she asked me if Darin's name is really Darin. I said, "What do you think?" and she said "I know. It's Darin Fey John Schepen." My dad's name is John and my maiden name is Van Schepen, but John Schepen makes a pretty nice addition to Darin's name, don't you think?
Oh Jori, I love having you home with me. I hope you stay in this sweet, silly, sassy stage for a long while.


Anonymous said…
This makes me think of Donovan Stevens... love you and your funny girl!
The Feys said…
Ha ha. I think it was Donovan Scapen or Schepers, but that was funny. My name has caused me more grief, but I've grown to love it.
retha said…
So are precious.

Meant to say "pakeesa" means to hurry up. Tyson is already ahead ;o)

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