My Trip To America Part 4 & 5-by Tyson Fey

Part 4
After we went to my grandma and grandpa, we went to a reunion. On that same day, my mom left to help with my auntie’s son Sawyer. He broke a few places of his body. The reunion took place in Washington. When we got there we said hi to everybody, because we hadn’t seen them in a very long time.
After that we went to our rooms and got settled in, I was with my dad. My sister was with the girls. I think we then went to swim at the pool.
Every day we would hang out, swim, watch movies, play.
We would drink Mountain Dew, Dr Pepper. We would go down into the valley to eat at dinner. One of the days we went down this freezing cold river. We went down it in tubes. There were some currents that would splash you with water. We went down it twice.
Then after the trip was over we left for my other grandma and grandpa that lived in Oregon.
Part 5
We had to drive a total of six hours to get to Pop and Grams. Three hours in a car and three more in a bus. When we got to our destination we had to get our bags. We then spotted papa! We loaded our bags into the car, and drove off! The first stop we made was, to my auntie’s house, because my mom went there to help with Sawyer. We got there and said hi to everybody, hugged my mom. Then we left for pop and grams’ house which was five minutes away from my auntie’s house. We got there and took our bags out of the car. Then we went to bed.

Some of the days we went to swim at the Krok center. There was a diving board, a normal pool, swimming lanes, and a hot tub. We would go there occasionally and swim. I forgot to mention that there was a rock climbing wall there. You had to get signed in and get a stamp to go on it. I only managed to climb up one of the walls.

Other times we would go to my other auntie’s house. they had a hot tub there and a swimming pool! We would play a game in the swimming pool where you had to flip the other person off their floatie. We would also put a floatie on the edge of the pool and run and pull it under us. The hot tub was also fun. You could make bubbles. We would just sit in it.

On one of the days we went to Wunderland, it is an arcade. We got tickets and prizes. It was so fun there.

At Pop and Gram’s house, there was a swing. We would fight to see who would go on it first, or we would say I get the swing beforehand. They also had a fake gun and it was cool. I would play with it a lot. We would play a game on the swing where you had to touch the other’s foot to go on the swing, or we would play a game where you had to throw a ball at the other person and if you didn’t kick it you had to give the swing to the other person.

While we were in Oregon I got a phone from my cousin Sawyer. It is an I-phone 5. It can take good pictures. I’ve always wanted an I-phone. I now use snapchat and whatsapp on my phone.

We also went to the coast while we were there. It took us an hour to get there, we were the first ones there. We had to look again to see if we were at the right house. We then saw it was the right house. We got out of the car and we typed in the code that opened the door. We then unpacked. We looked around the house and saw the rooms. Then everybody came and we helped them unpack their cars. We got settled in and we ate and went to bed. We would go to the ocean occasionally and would look for shells, we would never swim because the water was too cold. We would also watch movies. One of the days we went to the dollar tree and I got some stuff. The kids slept in the garage. We would talk and have fun. Then that was over and we went back, but got lost along the way.

Then we went to eat at my auntie’s house. We then went back and stayed at pop and grams for a few more nights and left for South Africa!


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