
It’s Sunday afternoon. Darin and Tyson are in Pretoria on their way to pick up some grocery donations. Jori is at the aunties’ cottage watching “The Princess Diaries” with a couple aunties and Mbali. I just read my third Reader’s Digest of the week (Thank you Grandma Van!!!), thought about taking a little rest, but decided to work on my neglected blog instead.

We are getting back into the swing of things with school starting, social workers being back in their offices, doctor and hospital visits being planned, and more. Our kids are now in Grade 6 and Grade 4, which just makes them seem so old!!! They both seem excited about the new school year, although we are all less than thrilled with the whole homework thing. Swimming, playing Wii and running around outside are much more fun ways of spending the afternoon.

Tomorrow I will be spending a good part of the morning at Jubilee hospital. I was there last Monday as well and am now returning for a follow-up with our new baby. I will also pick up Amo’s monthly Epilim prescription, or at least I hope they will allow me to pick it up in January instead of having to go back next week. Darin will be spending his morning picking up and distributing groceries for the centers we work with through Take Action Ministries.

It has been really hot here lately. I love the sun and the warmth, but the high temps are a bit much for some of our kids, especially the baby and Amo. We are thankful for tile floors and ceiling fans when the outdoor heat is just too much for these little ones. The older kids love swimming in the big pool or splashing in the kiddie pool. Darin is glad we have a freezer and often sends me a message asking me to put a bottle of Pepsi Max in the freezer so it is nicely chilled by the time he gets home.

The heat has also brought out the bugs. At night we are bombarded by little beetles and flies and other creepy crawlies. I really don’t mind bugs for the most part, but I do not like it when they touch me. It’s just ick. And flies, oh I hate flies. Their buzzing is annoying. The way they land near my mouth, gross. The way they walk on poop and then walk on me, disgusting.  Yep, I really can’t stand them.

We did make it to church today and even brought three extra kids and an auntie with us. I ended up sitting in class with my buddy Tshwarelo as he did not want to be left alone. I told him we’d bring Oarabile next time and they can keep each other company. He thought that was a good idea. A blessed Sunday to you all!


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