Ant lions by Tyson
Ant lion lifecycle: first they’re an egg second they’re a larva third they ‘re a cacooon that’s made of sand and finally the one I’ve been wating for it’s the fourth thing they’re a adult.
What they look like they’re fat. They have pinchers with spikes in the inside of their pinchers I think they have hairs on their legs to sense prey.
I forgot to put one last thing in here. it’s the sand trap pit! That’s how they catch their prey. How they make their sand trap pit. They make a funnel of sand that’s how they catch their prey. Are ghosts real? I bet there’s a ant lion ghost in your backyard making a sand trap funnel pit.
I have been trying to catch one but I couldn’t. One time I thought I caught but no. I’m never going to give up but I half to give up only on vacation.
I hope you are having a good time in the place you are at in Pretoria.
Love Papa J