Jori's last day of preschool

Jori had SUCH a great year at preschool. I am so glad we decided to send her to Georgetown Christian this year. If any of you will be sending kids to preschool in the near or not so near future, I would definitely tell you to check out Georgetown. I think Jori would have gladly gone to school every day is she'd been allowed. 

Here is a picture of our sweet girl on her first day of school way back in September:

And here she is almost 9 months later:

She grew so much this year and we are so grateful to her teachers:
Mrs. Schut
Mrs. Capisciolto
 Jori had a picnic the last day of school. Before we ate, the kids sang us a few songs:
Then it was time for some dancing! Thankfully Darin was able to attend the picnic, so Jori chose him as her partner:

If you want to watch the rest of the videos, just head over here.

Jori, we are so proud of you. You have learned so much this year and we love it when we hear you singing your little songs and practicing your letter sounds and numbers. You bring us so much joy.


Anonymous said…
I'm amazed at the difference between day one and the last day - my how she has grown. And as you know, I love the video of Darin dancing!
liz said…
Mrs. Schut! I love her! She goes to my church! Her and her husband were always a part of youth group :) Jori grew so much from the first day to the last! That is crazy.

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