Build Them A Home Progress Report #5
It is Friday morning. I am sitting in our living room watching Amo take 5 minute naps and then wake up full of energy over and over and over again. We are all enjoying our favorite little house guest, but are so excited for her to be in her new home with her family!!! Now it is time for an update, and also for another ask. Yes, we met our goal of raising $10,000 to #BuildThemAHome, but as with most building projects we have found some places where we underestimated the cost and other things that we forgot altogether!! So, if you were still thinking of giving, please do! You can use the handy dandy donate button at the top of our blog, or if sending checks is your thing you can: Write a check made out to: 1st CRC Edgerton In the memo of the check write: "Take Action House Project" Send to: 1st CRC Edgerton 120 Center Street South Edgerton, MN 56128 Send an email to Darin at so that we can keep track of funds as they come in and to give us a r...