
Showing posts from April, 2016

Papa and Gram 2016

So, it has been over a month since my last post. Ok, two months. I think that my blog used to be my only outlet for putting words on paper, but now a lot of the work I am doing with Take Action involves writing letters, posting interesting tidbits on Facebook, sending out updates and invitations; putting a lot of words on paper! I guess even my wordiness has limits. We have been keeping busy, as always. Darin’s mom left mid February and my parents arrived at the beginning of March. My dad was busy with training for Timothy Leadership for the first 3 weeks of their visit, but we kept busy with Gram. It was really nice having my mom around to help with the kids and the house and the cooking as March was a busy month for Take Action. We interviewed and hired a driver and an administrator for the Distribution Centre. These two people have freed up a lot of Darin’s time and mine as well. We also made site visits to all of the community partners TA is working with. We had Amo a couple t...