The Last Day
Tomorrow is our last day in the states. As a person who does not enjoy goodbyes and struggles with change, even when the change involves returning to the familiar, this is pretty sad. I must say that I am pretty proud of myself for not worrying and fretting and crying about our last day until now, our second to last day, and really, I haven’t cried yet and am not overly worried. It’s just that I am starting to feel those butterflies in my stomach, the ones that come before a big upheaval. I know there is going to be a lot of sad feelings when leaving here and there is also going to be a lot of adjusting once we are back in South Africa and these are things we’ll all just have to deal with. I would gladly deal with all the feelings and emotions and packing and unpacking in exchange for all of the wonderful experiences we’ve had over the past 6 weeks. Being in Michigan and visiting familiar faces and places was amazing. Seeing Tyson and Jori playing with their friends again, watchin...