if you are subscribed to our blog via email, this post is for you!!

 Some time ago, our blog used to have a box where you could enter your email address and then you would receive new posts directly to your email. 

I know it's hard to read, but inside the blue circle it says "Follow by Email" and then there is a space for your email address and a submit button to click on. This feature was provided by Feedburner, and as of July, this service is coming to an end and as far as I can tell, you will no longer receive our blog posts by email! 

This means that if you WANT to see anything new on this blog (and honestly, I don't know if I'll end up blogging more or less than I do currently) you will need actually come and check if there are new posts, or subscribe to this blog and maybe do what it says in this article. I am not tech savvy enough to provide any other info than this. 

As of right now I have posted new blog posts on my Facebook page, but I am pretty sure I will be going off of Facebook when we are back in the US. I know, what will you do without updates on our life. Kidding, I know you will survive. 

So, this is just a heads up for those who might be affected by this. 


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