Winding Down

In less than two weeks, we will be on our way to the US of A; or rather 3 of us will be on our way to the states and Darin will already be in Germany. We have started packing (2 suitcases are full!) and are working our way through the food in our fridge and freezer. This week we have Amo coming for one last sleepover before we go and on the weekend we plan to have a little party with her whole family to hang out and eat KFC!

Tyson and Jori have a list of assignments they need to complete by next Thursday and they are both planning to work ahead so that they can have most of next week off. Last week we had the #TooCoolforSchool Art Fair with our fellow homeschooling friends, which was our last "fun" event until we get back in July and I have recovered from jet lag. It is crazy that we are almost half way finished with our school year; probably closer to two-thirds of the way finished as we've been grinding through a lot of the subjects.

Getting ready to head out on such a big trip is stressful and exciting. Once we are there, we will be fully involved with our family and friends, being a part of their lives and living out of suitcases in their homes. Yet we already have things on our calendar for when we are back in South Africa, which reminds us all how quickly our time back in the states will be and also that at this time our life and home is here, in Hammanskraal.


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