Start 'em up!!

Earlier this week, I told Tyson and Jori that we would be starting school on January 9. This morning, after listening to them complain that there was nothing to do, I moved up the start date to today.

We are using a program called Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool and Easy Peasy All-in-One High School. Both kids are taking the same classes, some at the 8th Grade level and some at the 9th Grade level. I am hoping this is going to work out and that they will motivate each other to work hard and do their best. I do have a bit of worry that my overachieving daughter will end up leaving her brother in the dust in a very vocal and not so nice way, but will be praying that does not happen.

We are definitely going to go through a bit of trial and error as we figure out which courses are just fine as written and which courses need to be supplemented. Tomorrow will be our first day of US History, which out to be interesting as Jori doesn't have any prior schooling in this area and Tyson thinks they talked about it in Grade 8 - briefly.

I want the kids to enjoy learning. I want them to be interested in what they read about and I hope they will ask questions and seek answers and not simply accept what they are told. I want them to be open to different ways of viewing history, I want them to connect what they read to their own lives here and now. (Check back in a few weeks to see if I still feel this way😊)

For now, we will be sticking to the basics; just understanding how the program works and easing back into a schedule. We'll also be enjoying our South African summer and our pool that is finally staying clean!


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