Build Them a Home Progress Report #7 has probably seemed like I fell off the face of the earth. I kind of disappeared off the blog for a while as I was busy writing in other places, but I am back with a new report.

Since the last time I wrote, we managed to find a few bits of furniture to make the house feel a bit more homey: a kitchen table, a few nightstands and some kitchen cabinets (two of which are being used for bedroom cupboards instead)! The curtains have been hung and the electrical work is 100% complete. Next week the builders will plaster one final outside wall and build a stand for the water tank.

Sweet Amo chilling.
Lenah cooking in the kitchen
Other side of kitchen

I honestly cannot say Thank You enough to everyone who has given towards making this dream a reality. We always loved visiting Amo and her family because we love them like family, but to be able to visit them in this house, where we can all find seating, where Jori and Johanna can go off into a bedroom to chat, where we can use the toilet and wash our hands all in the same room; it is the small things that are just amazing to experience with our friends.

She loves entertaining guests
When we stop in, Amo is so much more a part of the life of the family. She isn't tucked in a corner next to a pile of clothes or laying on a bed in one room while everyone else is in the living room because of space constraints. She has a prime spot in the living room on this sofa and when family members walk past and talk to her, she turns her head towards them. I can sit in the living room chatting with Amo while her mom sleeps down the hall after working the night shift and I can chat with Lenah while she cooks in the kitchen and it is comfortable and the atmosphere is relaxed.

I stopped over the other day and Jameson was home, working on rebuilding the outside shack for storage. I asked him how he liked the new house and in his slow manner of speaking he told me how great it is to not have rats all over and dust blowing in on everything and how much more quiet it is when sleeping. He is happy that his sister has a place to study and that they can all sit together in one space.
Mother and Daughter
We are hoping that as more donations come in we will be able to purchase a pump for the water tank and a hot water geyser (heater for you Americans reading this!) so that there will be a stable flow of water in the house and also warm water so they won't need to use kettles to heat bathing water. We also hope to replace their small two plate stove that has become a one plate stove after a burner stopped working, as well as purchase and install a sink in the kitchen and some more cupboards. Storage remains a huge need, so if anyone local has drawers or shelves or cupboards you are looking to get rid of, let me know!! 

Thank you all for partnering with us. Please keep sharing as the work isn't finished. You can give by clicking the donate button at the top right of our blog. If you prefer to pay by check, please contact us at and we can give you details on how to get that done. 

#SpreadtheWord #SharetheLove #BuildThemaHome


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