Prayers Please!

It is Friday morning. I have laundry going, a list of things to do a mile long, and I am not feeling 100%. None of this is really out of the ordinary, but tomorrow Darin and I are heading into 7 days of non stop action as we welcome a group of advocates from the US of A and Canada. This group is coming to see what is happening on the ground in South Africa with Take Action Ministry. They are here in conjunction with the Help One Now #tendollartribe at the invitation of Crystal Paine, the Money Saving Mom. This is an exciting time for us as we get to show people what we do here in South Africa, introduce them to our local leaders and the projects they run and most importantly, show them the vision that we believe God has planted in us to bring hope and restoration to the communities of Hammanskraal and Maubane.

Exciting, yes, but also exhausting. We will be leaving our house every morning and only returning after4 each day. We have made plans for the kids for each of the next 7 days; plans for afterschool and for the evenings when we have events in Pretoria. We have a whole army of people who are a part of these plans and we are so thankful for them. However, we are still the parents of Tyson and Jori and we need to make sure their school uniforms are washed, their homework and projects are ready to be turned in and that they are fed 3 meals a day and snacks. This takes planning and preparation, two things I do not excel in.

Throw in a dad who has a cold and a stomach bug, a mom who is fighting the flu and a nasty headache and more inerruptions, like the ones I wrote about a couple weeks ago, and the level of exhaustion goes up while the excitement starts to dim. We have done 7 loads of laundry over the past 3 days. Most of this was catch up from our weekend without power and the low water pressure of the week before. We still have meetings and errands and all of the normal life stuff that we are responsible for. We also have life after the advocacy trip to anticipate and plan for; meetings and events that are on the schedule already and need to be attended to now.

We all face times like this. It is nothing new. I am just asking for prayer in the following areas please!

* Health for all of us!
* Good attitudes and patience all around
* For nothing major to slip through the cracks
* For Tyson and Jori to feel loved and cared for and not pushed to the side
* Open hearts and teachable spirits
* Love and Grace for Darin and I towards each other
* No homework for the week!!
* For the excitement to beat the exhaustion

Thank you in advance. We are truly so excited to see what God will do with and through the people who are coming to learn more about the Take Action story. We have been seeing how He is already moving and making a way and we want to be faithful in following Him!


Anonymous said…
You go girl!! We serve a great and mightily God! Read your blanket and undies post and it made me cry

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