End of September update!

It is the end of September. We celebrated Darin's birthday last week. This year his birthday had so much more meaning as we truly celebrated his life after the scary times we faced back in May. That whole time period is often something we want to forget and run away from, but looking back we see how God is ever faithful, how He meets our every need and how He so lovingly cares for us.

My dad is in South Africa right now. We briefly saw him over the weekend and he is on his way back to us tonight for a whole week of fun! The kids are really hoping to go to Bela Bela and we have talked about doing a tour of Soweto, but who knows what we'll get into while he is here. I know that cleaning the garage is high on our list of things to be done. Tyson and Jori will be on school holidays starting Friday, so we will have time to chill and NOT worry about homework!

Darin's dad is arriving towards the end of October for 2 weeks. We are saving some projects for him as well, like taking out the laundry line and turning it to face the other direction. I am sure he can't wait to come and do that!

From the 9th-16th we were busy with a group of advocates from the US and Canada. They came to South Africa at the invitation of Crystal Paine from Money Saving Mom who has been writing posts like this one about the trip. (At the end of that post there are links to other ones about the time in South Africa). We had a fantastic time. You can read my own take on the events here and there is also a link to a lot of great photos in the post.

In other news, we heard that we might be losing all electricity to our house in the next few days. It is kind of complicated to explain, but just has to do with being between two properties owned by two different entities and not really having much of a say in things. Your prayers on this would be VERY much appreciated as not having electricity is kind of a big deal, especially if it is going to be a forever kind of problem.

That is our life in a nutshell. We are all good and mostly staying healthy. The weather is heating up quite nicely. We had a thunderstorm last night with a lot of wind. The rain is refreshing, the sand being blown in through every little crack and crevice of this old house is not so refreshing. Isn't that usually how life is, good and bad happening at the same time? We desire to focus more deeply on the good and learn to keep the bad stuff from getting us down.


Anonymous said…
Where are you??

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