Warrior Race 2014

In college, I had to take three Physical Education classes. Now, I am not the most athletic person (shocking!), which led to my taking the following three classes; Social Dance, where I learned to waltz, fox trot, line dance and more, Women’s Self Defense, where I learned some sweet moves to protect myself and Walking. Yes, walking. I was supposed to walk around and keep a journal reporting how many laps I completed, but even this proved to be too much exercise for me and most days I walked myself right back to my dorm room where I watched TV until I needed to return to the gym to turn in my journal.

Since college, there have been a couple times where I decided to get serious about exercising. I bought an exercise ball and DVD from one of those “As Seen on TV” ads, promising my husband that I would workout every day. This did not happen and I spent the next several years trying to find a convenient place to store a giant inflatable ball that I would surely get serious about using at some point. I went to one Yoga class at our public library, but could not keep myself from laughing as I tried forcing my body into impossible poses.

Why, then, with my history of exercising fails, have I been jogging around the property, stretching, doing jumping jacks and more daily since February 1st? Why do I pull on my tennis shoes to run around a track that has been worn by volunteers who actually care about being physically active when I would much rather be laying in bed or enjoying a cup of coffee? I will tell you why: On March 1 of this year I, along with Darin, our friends the VanGilders and a few TYB volunteers, will be participating in the Warrior Race. What is the Warrior Race? Instead of telling you, let me show you:

Now why would I, a person who obviously does not enjoy physical activity of any sort, want to put myself through something so physically taxing? Why would I want to jump off of a very, very high platform and jump into a pool of water when I hate heights? Why would I want to crawl under barbed wire and climb over tall wooden walls? Again, instead of telling you, let me show you:

The only reason I am jogging every day, even when I don’t want to, the only reason I am “training” so that I don’t make a complete fool of myself on March 1 is to raise funds for Tshepo ya Bana. This place that we currently call home, this place that touches the lives of the children pictured and of others in the community and will hopefully continue bringing hope to children for many years to come. We are here, on the ground, doing our best to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but we could not do what we do without the financial support that we receive from a variety of sources, none of them governmental.  Supporting us as we run this race is a way for you to be involved in what we are doing here. The needs at a place like Tshepo ya Bana are ongoing and unending. There is always something that needs to be done! There are staff salaries, petrol for the vehicles, school fees, groceries, and diapers. These are just some of our basic, monthly needs. There are also one time projects or needs related to specific children, such as wheelchairs or other assistive devices.

We would love for you to join with us as we do something beyond ourselves (ok, just beyond ME!) to help this place that we love. If you want to contribute, you can use the PayPal button on the right of our blog. Or, if you want to send a check, please message me at thefeyfamily@gmail.com and I can send you details. 


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