Random News of the Month

Wow, it has been a long time since I’ve updated our blog. I will write more on the reasons why in another post, if I can get my thoughts together, but for now, I will dig through my brain and try to remember what we’ve been up to this last month, other than baking and writing our support letter.

Darin has been the busiest Fey in our family. The first weekend of September he was in Johannesburg at the Getaway Show, a huge outdoor expo, to get the word out on the water filters. This show was a big success as Darin and his associates made a lot of connections with several parties interested in purchasing or getting more info on the filters. These interested parties were outdoorsy type people and NGO’s. The second weekend in September Darin was gone again to Mission Fest in Pretoria. Many more connections were made and several have been followed up on these past 2 weeks, which has meant more days and nights of Darin being gone to meetings. Tyson went along to Mission Fest on Saturday and participated in a kids’ program where he learned a lot about countries like Northern Sudan and North Korea and the spiritual darkness in these places.

Tyson has been doing so much better in school. His peg has stayed on green almost every day since I last posted early in August! He has started handwriting/cursive and, although he loves being able to do something new, getting the letters right has been a struggle for him. During parent/teacher conferences, Ms. De Clercq gave us a lot of helpful suggestions to get his fine motor skills where they need to be, so we’ve been working on those things at home. Lately, I have been realizing how grown up my boy is. I think that being in school and away from home has really brought about some big changes in him. I wish I could just freeze time, but I know that isn’t possible. I just can’t believe Tyson is closer to his preteens than to his preschool years : (

Jori has also been doing well in school. She has been bringing home lots of worksheets and little reading books. She always comes home full of stories about the kids in her class. She is such a girl and I love listening to her chatter away about her day. Jori loves to play games and definitely has the competitive spirit of her dad. She is a big fan of Skipbo and I am finding it harder and harder to win against her! I made the mistake of letting the kids watch a detective show that I thought would be interesting for them, but it was a bit too much for Jori. For several nights she came out of bed in tears saying she was scared that “the PG13” was keeping her awake. She also couldn’t walk back to our bedroom alone to get something for me because of “the PG13”. Thankfully she seems to have forgotten “the PG13” and is back to her fearless self.

These last 2 weeks have been rough ones for Tyson and Jori. Last Monday, the 10th, Tyson came home with a slight fever, but woke up feeling fine. The same thing happened on Tuesday, except his temperature climbed higher as the night went on. He ended up being home from school until this Tuesday, the 18th and is still coughing and ready for bed by 6 each night. I have never seen him looking or feeling so miserable. Jori was ok until last Friday night, when her temperature started climbing. Both kids spent Saturday laying on chairs or sleeping in bed. By Sunday, their fevers were gone. Their school was actually closed on Friday and Monday due to outbreaks of chicken pox and a stomach bug, but on Tuesday they both headed back, tired and coughing, but seemingly ok. They headed off on Wednesday in much the same way, but Jori ended up spiking a fever at school and came home around noon. She slept most of the day and was pretty much miserable. Thursday she stayed home again and finally woke up this morning with a big smile. We are really hoping that both kids will make it through the whole day. Thankfully they have a long weekend to rest up as Monday is a holiday.

We’ve had a little house guest staying with us for the past month, Miss O. She adds a lot of joy to our days. She has been learning lots of new things these past few weeks, like drinking from a regular cup (held by us), using the toilet, army crawling (when she wants to), learning which funny face is most appreciated by each person in the family (Tyson loves the cross eyes, Darin loves the “Stevie Wonder”, Jori loves the “cute face”, and I am partial to the “Mr. Chin”). She likes the song “If you’re Happy and You Know It” and will perform a number of actions to go along with the song (touch your nose, close your eyes, roar like a lion, stick out your tongue, etc.). She is a great eater, an ok napper, and a pretty good nighttime sleeper.

I have been busy doing what I guess would be called “play therapy” with Miss O. I have also made it to the art therapy group once this month, where I sang a rousing rendition of “We are the Champions” on stage. Good times. I’ve been hanging out with my favorite group of boys and one baby girl at TYB at least one long day a week, but I like to stop in to visit with the Mama’s and go on walks with my little friends a bit more often than that. Since our guest has moved in, I’ve been rearranging bedrooms. Tyson and Jori are now at the front of the house so we can hear Miss O if she needs us at night. I finally feel like I have our house in order for at least the next 6 months.

We have had a few friends over this month. The Van Gilders came one Saturday when Darin was gone to keep the kids and me company. We also had a couple from our church, the Warrens, over last week. They recently moved here from Virginia and will be working with our church to help rural churches with feeding programs and crèches (nursery schools). We spent one Sunday a few weeks ago visiting 2 churches in North West Province with another family from the Take Action group and this Sunday we have been invited to the Warrens for lunch, assuming we are all healthy enough to do so. I am especially excited to get out as the only place I’ve been since church on the 8th of September is across the road at TYB.

So, I think that brings you all up to date on our life. Exciting stuff, I know. Honestly, it has been a hard month, but we are seeing God at work and we are eagerly waiting to see what He will do next.


Ursina said…
I love to read your blog! So nice for Miss O. to be in your house. It seems everything is going well, thats very good. Please give O. a kiss from me, i miss her smile.

Many greetings, Ursina
trombonejo said…
Amazing to hear how wonderfully God is using you, growing your family, and just blessing you loads, you are all amazing for giving so much up for Him. A blessing and an inspiration.

Much Love

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