Welcome to our guests and kid reports

Last night we picked up Darin's mom and brother from the airport. We were so excited to see Grandma Karen and Israel walk through the sliding doors. Tyson ran and jumped right into Grandma Karen's arms and then he and Israel held hands all the way out to our car. Jori turned into a total chatterbox and was pointing out "amazing" things and acting like a total goofball. It was an interesting ride home. We let the kids stay up a lot later than usual, until Jori was crying and Tyson's eyes were red with tiredness. The rest of us were talking til 10, and then it was time for bed. Karen and Israel are still in bed (it's only 7:20, and I'd be in bed too if my kids knew how to shut doors quietly!) and we hope that they both slept well last night and are ready for fun on this sunny Thursday.

Here are the reports the kids wrote about Mystic Monkeys. Enjoy! 

Tyson's report

We saw all different kinds of monkeys one kind eats bats. We saw chimps they were wild but now there in Mystic Monkeys.  One poked a stick through the fence that same one danced weird.

There were 3 kids scared of the tigers. There were lions that were far away in the shade. A cheetah followed us. There was a grasshopper on the tigers fence.

We had a picnic lunch. We had sandwiches and bananas and yogurt that was all of our lunch. It was a lot for me and the kids I bet and my sister Jori I bet again.

Then we went home but first we went to the orphanage across the road. My dad drove our car and uncle Martin drove the other car. Then when we got back to the orphanage we played with kids. 

Jori's report

I went to mystic Monkeys with the kids ackros the rood. It took 30 minits to get ther. We saw linos and tigers first. Next we saw munkez. Thred we saw chetuz. We saw babownz. We stade 4 owrez. We left in the morning. It was fun I love it. 


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