White Fang

Here is a book report that Tyson wrote early in March. We found a template for an animal book report and that is what he followed.

The author is Jack London. The book has 240 pages. The main character is White Fang. White Fang is gray and white and looks like a wolf. He is fierce, he was a good hunter, he was smart, and he was loyal.
He was with Gray Beaver and killed dogs. He stayed by Gray Beaver then was sold to Beauty Smith. He had to fight for him. He had to fight a Mastiff, a female lynx and a bulldog. Beauty Smith beat White Fang he and feels mad. Weedon Scott saw the bulldog fight and was angry and bought White Fang.

Scott was nice to White Fang, he spoke nice to White Fang. Scott gave White Fang nice good. White Fang loves Weedon. He protected Weedon’s family from bad guys. Weedon’s horse threw Weedon off the saddle. Then White Fang went back and called for help.

I would love to have White Fang as my pet. He would protect me from bad guys. He would cuddle with me. White Fang is a great book. I think all people should read it. 


pjvs50@gmail.com said…
Did a 7 year old really, actually, for real write the report on White Fang? I never read the book but the reporter made me want to-THAT is a good report when you make someone want to read the book. WOW!!
I wonder if our Lynden Library has the book? I am female and you know me pretty well. I live with a very handsome man you LOVE. Did he read the book with you?? Keep reading! It opens the world to you!!!!! Guess who??
Anonymous said…
Dear Tyson
It was nice to read your report on the blog. I do not have White Fang but I have another friend who is with me today. She has four legs and is brown. She is very loyal and sleeps beside my bed. She is gentle and has big brown eyes. Can you guess who she is?

Keep reading those wonderful books.

Your Friend

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