Random news of the week

It’s that time again! For starters, I am writing this post on Tuesday and am hoping it goes on line soon, but am not sure if that will happen. The internet that we “borrow” across the street has been down since before the weekend, so we are a bit out of touch. We are so thankful we have a little modem (also borrowed) so we can at least check and send emails! If anyone has posted any big news on facebook, please fill us in as we have totally missed all facebook news!

Last night Darin and I went on our first date since arriving here in South Africa. While we were out, we realized it was the first time we’d been out ANYWHERE without the kids in over 15 weeks! That includes trips to the grocery store, going to Mama Cathrine’s, running any sort of errand, or being in the car. Individually we have had time alone, but if Darin and I have been together, the kids have also been present! We went to the Carousel, which is an entertainment venue with a hotel, restaurants and a casino, just a bit north of us. We both ate steak and enjoyed filling up on protein and having a few moments of peace! It really was a wonderful night out and we are thankful to the volunteers from across the road that were willing to come and watch Tyson and Jori for a couple hours. Tyson and Jori were also SO excited to have babysitters again. If you are reading this, Elisabeth, they were reliving all sorts of memories from when you babysat them and were wishing we were back in Michigan so you could watch them again!

This weekend we discovered that snakes like our house. This is a discovery that I would have been happy to do without, but knowledge is power, right?? On Saturday we had friends over for a braai and the kids discovered a snake “slivering” on the side of the house and then it decided to try and enter our bathroom through the hot water heater pipe. Thankfully there were many hands on deck and the snake was quickly caught and after we found out it wasn’t poisonous(spotted bush snake), it was released. On Sunday the kids were playing upstairs and they started yelling that they had found more snakes. Sure enough, two snakes were twisted all up in a romantic embrace in our upstairs playroom. EW!! One vanished and we watched the other one slink off into the thatch roof. Great. Later, Darin heard a noise and discovered that one of the pair (it WAS one of the pair and not a 3rd snake!!!) had entered our bathroom through the water heater (geyser) pipe and was on our bathroom floor by the time he ran inside. EW, EW, EW!!!!! These two experiences have taught us that our kids do not quite understand what we mean when we say “If you ever see a snake, back away quickly and quietly and come and tell us.” On both snake sighting occasions, the kids have stood rooted to the spot, yelling “We found a snake” at the top of their lungs.

That is all the random news so far this week, and it is only Tuesday!


Anonymous said…
You are a braver woman than I! I'm going to pretend with you that those are the only snakes in Africa and now they are gone from your house ;)
liz said…
Awwww... reading that just made my day! I miss baby-sitting the kids too! That is cute that they were remembering some of our fun times! :)
So special! :) Thanks so much for that :) :)

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