Jubilee Mall - as typed by Tyson Fey

We go shoping there sometimes and even we go to KFC and get ice cream  and then we g
go shoping in the mall and we go to spar, game, pick in pay, KFC and then we go home. 

1 week there was a fair and we went there and we rode on 2 rides foreweelers and little mini jets. The foreweelers were the funest of all. The jets were boring cause they go up and down and then we went shoping i think and then we went home.                                                                                                                                                     


Anonymous said…
Hey Tyson, it sure sounds like you had a great time at Jubilee Mall! I think that I would have liked the four wheeler the best too because I don't like to go on rides that go up and down - I get really sick! Thanks for sharing about your trip to Jubilee!
Love you big guy!
Grandma Karen

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