Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday and Wednesday we ran a lot of errands. We were at Kolonade mall setting up phones, at the bank attempting to set up an account and at Pick N Pay getting groceries. On Tuesday the grocery store was overwhelming, but when we went back Wednesday Darin and I were armed with a list and ready to get what we needed to make a week’s worth of meals. Other than suffering from severe sticker shock, we were quite successful! On both days we spent some time over at Tshepo Ya Bana playing with the kids and checking email. It is nice being around familiar people in a familiar place.

On Wednesday we also drove to Rosslyn to see where the petrol station (our future business) will be built. We found out it is 50 minutes away from where we are currently staying, which kind of rules out our staying in this area. It is nice to start figuring out some of these things already now.

On Tuesday I did not do any unpacking, but on Wednesday I dug in for a while. Unpacking is much better than packing, but it is still not on my list of top ten things I like to do. Thankfully the kids were busy following Amos around on both days, so they weren’t watching as I repacked a lot of their toys and some new things they haven’t seen yet. This house is so big and spread out that it is kind of hard keeping track of things, and our kids really don’t need many toys as they have the whole outdoors to keep them busy. Lizards to track, animals to spot (as I write this (Friday night) we have seen giraffe, impala, blesbok, and wildebeest right in our back yard!), trees to climb, and so much more. On Wednesday they helped Amos rake the brush into piles for burning. We aren’t sure how much of what the kids say is understood by Amos, and vice versa, but they do seem to enjoy being with each other.

On Wednesday afternoon, we were able to talk to both of our families through Google Voice, which is a free program that we can use through our email. Darin talked to his little brother Israel and I talked to my mom. We are even more eager now to have internet access, but it is doubtful that we will be able to get it out here.

Our kids have been waking up earlier and earlier each day while Darin has joined me in sleeping in as long as possible each morning. I kind of wish he stops enjoying it so much so that I can go back to the mornings of having the whole bed to myself : )

On Wednesday night Darin and I decorated Tyson’s room for his birthday. Jori woke up, but seemed glad just to know something her brother wasn’t aware of and fell quickly back asleep.

And that brings us 2 days closer to being caught up!


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